Monday, October 18, 2010

Flawed Education

----Posted this on my old blog, but i never used it so i made this blog instead, so repost---- :) (Wrote this 2009) (also did not edit in anyway)

We waste how many years in school? and about how much of the stuff that we learn do we ever actual use again? 10%? 5%? Its a major waste of time. Like i understand elemantry school, learning the basics like reading, writing, and counting. But really once you hit like sixth grade you start learning tons of useless stuff that you will only ever use in school. Its a huge waste of time. And once you get to jr high or high school you learn nintey percent useless stuff. Plus thats when people start stressing over grades, tests, projects and reports. And its stress we shouldnt have to go though. We dont need it! And its stress over what? ionic compounds and heat capacity? Like who fucking cares! Sorry for the language but serously out of all the people who learn about that how many people will need or use it when there older? Maybe one out of every thousand and even that is to high of a number!
I understand the reasong though. You dont know what someone will be good at so you teach them everything you can then you let the decide what classes they can learn in grade 11 and 12 and college and university. But really most people dont know what they want to do even by the time they reach university.
Some people are thirty and still dont know what they whant to do with there life. they sit at home doing nothing, living with the parents or working the crappest jobs that even a five year old can do. If your one of those people dont be offended. For alot of you its not your fault. What you probable needed was direction and you probale still need that, I mean you can blame the parents sure. But shouldnt we have a sytem that produces less useless people and doesnt rely so heavily on the parents?
We should have a system that doesnt teach kids so much useless shit that they will forget once there out of school. We should have a system that works better and more effectifly.

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