Monday, October 18, 2010

A Modest Proposal

--Wrote this for English class. General format based off of A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift, A short satirical writing that you should take the time to quickly read. Worth it.(: -- Could have wrote more on the topic but was restricted by the 750 word limit.--
People, there everywhere one can possibly look. They overcrowd the earth. They constantly produce offspring, which grow up with all the same flaws as their parents. Wasteful, greedy, and ignorant being just a few of their more obvious flaws. They do nothing useful all they do is destroy things, or make them into what they think they need. They disregard all the other life forms on their biological wonder of a planet. They will surely destroy this wonder if they continue to grow in numbers as they are, and of course they would also make them selves extinct as well. Though I will also admit, a few humans are not as horrible as the rest, and see the errors of the human way. Though they have little chance of making a difference in time. The only way for earth, and humans to survive for very long is if humans didn't increase in numbers so fast, but even that wouldn't be enough. They would have to lower significantly in numbers to give any good chance for survival of the planet and there species. This being the case, I modestly propose that all humans that are not capable of doing something needed out of necessity for there survival, not capable of labour, or being extra wasteful, should be exposed of.
In the event that my proposal is put into motion changes will be seen, all for the better. Firstly, the millions of products being manufactured in thousands of factories will cease to produce the useless products. There will be enough of the products already made for the surviving humans to use without need of being replaced unnecessarily just because it has a camera attached to it, or because its now a different color. Factory pollution accounts for more than half the volume of all water pollution, as well as some of the most deadly of pollutants. The water will be in better condition, as well as the air, allowing for vegetation and microorganisms to recycle co2 into more oxygen, allowing humans to survive if population stays at stable numbers as well as be healthier from breathing cleaner air.
Secondly the largely decreased population will not need to take up so much room for residential land. There will be enough land already killed by buildings and roads, that the humans will no longer need to expand. This will be beneficial for the earth because it can reclaim any areas that end up abandoned. As well as decreasing the number of cars needed, and the distance the humans have to travel to get to key areas in there insignificant lives, without harming the earth.
Thirdly due to the fact that humans will have more land, they can farm more plants as food and the humans won't have big corporations mass producing anything and everything, humans will be able to produce more vegetation as a food source instead of mass farming animals. This is significant because in less meat in the diets means healthier humans, meat is much hard on human digestive system, especially compared to plants. This will also make the earth in better condition by reducing the amount of waste of resources. To make one pound of pork it takes seven pounds of corn and soy. To produce a pound of wheat it takes around 14 gallons of water whereas for a pound of meat takes 441 gallons. Another benefit about having to produce less meat for humans to feed on there will be no more deforestation to make room for animal grazing. Ranching-induced deforestation is one of the main reasons for the loss of plant and animal species in tropical rain forests.
The benefits of my proposal to eliminate the mass majority of humans are undeniable, better air quality, healthier water and air, less time spent traveling, less people therefore less annoying and stupid people. Sure, some humans may disagree and say its inhuman to "murder" so many people. My response is that they are right, it is extremely inhuman, thinking about the better of the whole instead of the individual is very inhuman. It is also necessary for human survival. They will benefit in the long run, as will ever other living creature on earth, and of course earth it self.


  1. I totally agree with you on this.(:

    And i must add, you are a great writer.

  2. This is amazing. Very well put. I can tell your very smart.
